I LOVE I Foundation
Inspiring All Children To Fearlessly Dream Into The Future
Our Dream
We fundamentally believe that humanity's only limitation is what we can dream and image. We believe in empowering every child to dream big and pursue the goals that may be impossible to accomplish today, but that will redefine tomorrow. Everyone, and especially every child is entitled to a dream and to experiencing the true divinity within. The I LOVE I Foundation focuses on offering an unparalleled and reimagined educational experience free for all children, everywhere. We are also committed to supporting various organizations and initiatives that share our commitment to inspiring the world to be hopeful and fearlessly dream into the future.
Creativity, Innovation, And Critical Thinking
Inspiring kids in an environment that naturally brings out their creativity, innovation and critical thinking skills are the tools every child needs to successfully navigate through life. These skills will allow them to think out of the box, find joy in the experience, and create new solutions to the unsolvable problems of today.
Passion and Purpose
Life is not about existing or just getting by, but about living and laughing to the fullest. When your career is a reflection of the things you love you will never work a day in your life.
Financial Education
Financial Knowledge plays an important role in human life. Equipping students with this powerful tool removes the ignorance and fear surrounding financial matters and investing. Achieving the level of financial success that reflects your truth is essential to having the quality of life you desire.
Julius W. Pieranunzi Academies
I LOVE I Foundation
Preparing Students For Life
Julius W. Pieranunzi Academies are committed to creating the most loving, inspiring and safe environment where each student will have the opportunity to experience their individual passion and be provided with the life tools to live it. Thus, creating graduates that are totally confident, laser focused, respectful, personally and professionally fulfilled, and equipped not only to excel personally, but to move all of humanity forward.
Your contributions to the I LOVE I Foundation will help to make these academies a reality for all.
Mr. William Pieranunzi Sr.
Our Legacy
With the most loving gratitude, we dedicate The I LOVE I Foundation to the incredible legacy of William Pieranunzi Sr., affectionately known as “Willie”. At sixteen years of age, Willie had the courage and perseverance to leave Colle S. Maria, Italy, where the family owned and operated a large olive farm, and traveled to the United States. Arriving on April 15, 1910 in New York City, speaking no English, Michael Robert’s Grandfather, Willie spent many years studying the encyclopedia, which he credited for eventually having the ability to speak English without any accent at all. He was a master weaver in the textile mills of Rhode Island, served in the Army of the United States during World War I, and received his US citizenship for his patriotic military service which he was so proud of his entire life. William Pieranunzi Sr. then started his own successful oil business in Providence, Rhode Island during the Great Depression. His business was a success almost immediately and afforded him and Ruth, his wife of fifty-four years the ability to help so many during a very challenging time. He was a role model for anyone who's ever met him. Willie felt education was the key to opening the doors of opportunity.
Michael Robert recalled, “My grandpa taught me so much while I was a little boy out looking for wild mushrooms with him and when I would be helping him in his garden which made it into the newspaper annually. Or accompanying him on the numerous visits to his brothers, Ernest and Jimmy’s houses to argue about which of the brothers had the best homemade wine. He would frequently say to me “Grandpa, Listen! Listen!” He would always call you by the name you addressed him as; my aunt would also call me “Auntie”, must be a thing in my family! He would say repeatedly; ‘Always remember you have two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you speak. Always, always be able to look everyone straight in the eyes and never have to cross the street if you see someone walking toward you on the sidewalk. Treat everyone the same, with love and respect, whether it's someone who sweeps the streets, or if it’s the President of the United States.’ Michael Robert attributes much of his success to these maxims that were passed down to him which he has followed his whole life.
"I loved my grandmother and grandfather so much. My grandfather had unfathomable courage when it came to defending his truth." Mr. William Pieranunzi Sr. was but one example of a generation of motivated and hard working Americans who knew their truth in their heart and had the courage to live by it.
"Let us all go forward in the experience of I LOVE I with the knowing that we are All Divine Light, Love and Truth. Always choose Hope, especially when you feel it is not a choice."